Unravelling Gender Inequality: A Fireside Chat with Dr. Alice Evans


By Vanessa Padilla

Edited by Anuva Sharma and James Yeretsian

Unpacking Equity is a collaboration between the Public Policy and Governance Review and the Equity, Diversity and Public Policy Initiative at the School of Public Policy and Governance. This series aims to explain equity-related policy issues and break down complicated topics involving equity, diversity and inclusion. Policy professionals can gain a better understanding of these complex issues in order to incorporate an equity lens into their practice.

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”

  • Angela Y. Davis

Gender inequality remains a pervasive issue across the globe, seeping into every facet of society, from economics to culture, perpetuating a cycle of injustice and hindering progress. The Equity, Diversity, and Public Policy Initiative at the Munk School invited Dr. Alice Evans, an esteemed professor renowned for her expertise in gender studies, for a fireside chat where she engaged in a thought-provoking discussion with students and shed light on the intricate interplay between gender disparities and public policy.

Dr. Alice Evans brought a wealth of experience and expertise to the conversation. As a Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto and a Senior Lecturer at King’s College London, she has dedicated her scholarly pursuits to unravelling the complexities of gender inequality and exploring its underlying drivers. With previous appointments at prestigious institutions such as the University of Cambridge and the London School of Economics, Dr. Evans has established herself as a leading authority in the field, garnering acclaim for her seminal contributions to understanding societal change.

Drawing from her extensive work, Dr. Evans delved into a myriad of topics, touching upon key themes such as the drivers of support for gender equality, the evolving dynamics of women’s roles as breadwinners, and the catalytic role of cities in driving social change. Through her research, she has explored the nuances of these issues, uncovering the intricate web of factors that shape gender relations and influence policy outcomes.

Dr. Evans’ research has challenged conventional wisdom and sparked critical discourse on pressing issues such as the persistence of gender disparities in unpaid care work. Her inquiries into the intersectionality of gender, race, and socio-economic status have deepened our understanding of the barriers faced by marginalized groups and underscored the importance of adopting an inclusive approach to policymaking.

Throughout the fireside chat, Dr. Evans graciously fielded an array of questions from students, ranging from inquiries about her research findings to queries about the practical steps individuals can take to create positive social change in society. This interaction underscores the value of academic discourse in addressing pressing societal issues such as gender inequality. By inviting students to actively participate in the conversation, Dr. Evans not only imparted her wisdom but also created a space for collaborative learning and critical reflection. Moreover, the exchange of ideas between Dr. Evans and the students exemplifies the transformative power of education in challenging entrenched norms and fostering social change. By engaging with emerging leaders and future policymakers, Dr. Evans not only shares her knowledge but also inspires the next generation to become agents of change.

In this way, the fireside chat served as more than just an academic exercise—it was a catalyst for empowerment and action. By empowering students with knowledge and encouraging them to question the status quo, Dr. Evans exemplifies the importance of fostering a culture of critical inquiry and active citizenship. Our chat with Dr. Alice Evans served as a compelling testament to the power of scholarship in driving social change and fostering dialogue around pressing issues. As we reflect on her words and insights, let us work tirelessly toward building a future where gender equality is not just a distant dream, but a tangible reality for all.

Vanessa Padilla is a first-year public policy student here at Munk, as well as First Year Advisor for MPPSA. Vanessa’s policy interests are focused on gender issues and gender-based violence.

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