Key Considerations of Canadian Drug Policy – March 8th, 2019

Good morning subscribers! On October 17, 2018 recreational cannabis was legalized by the Federal government. Its legalization came with regulations that are similar to the ones used for alcohol in Canada, as they set limits on how cannabis is produced, distributed, consumed and sold. However, these regulations and other associated policies have been criticized for…

Getting from Point A to B with Policy – February 15th, 2019

Good morning subscribers! As Torontonians, we tend to be busy people. Whether its going to class, work, or spending time with loved ones, we’re often on the move. How do we get to where we’re going? For a large number of us, the answer lies in public transit. With so much of our daily lives…

Charged Up: The Benefits and Costs of Sourcing Energy – January 25th, 2019

Good morning subscribers!   The rise of renewable energy sources has been linked to a decrease in carbon emissions and an increase in jobs, which is good for economic growth and environmental sustainability. However, to ensure that the transition towards renewable energy sources is both effective and equitable there are many key considerations that must…

Protecting the Environment and Fighting Climate Change – December 7th, 2018

Good morning subscribers! The recent release of Ontario’s Environment Plan has sparked several conversations on environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, and land conservation. These issues are often complex since they involve various key factors that affect both Canada’s economy and the well-being of the population. Today’s Brief includes a variety of articles that reflect…

The Benefits and Risks of Policy Innovation – November 23, 2018

Good morning subscribers! Innovation is a term that gets used a lot within the policy community. It is significant in a wide variety of contexts as it is often associated with economic growth and social well-being. Furthermore, in the context of policy it helps governments to develop more efficient and effective ways of achieving their…

Policy’s Role in Economic Development – November 9, 2018

Good morning subscribers! Economic growth is of vital importance for the well-being of Canadians. Increases in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) help improve tax revenues for governments, living standards, and development outcomes. It is also associated with reduced unemployment and poverty rates. Given the grand significance of the Canadian economy, today’s Weekly Brief includes several articles…