The Constant Gardiner – Infrastructure in Toronto & Canada – March 1st, 2017

Good morning subscribers! This week, the rubber hits the gridlocked, pothole ridden road as we turn our attention to infrastructure policy. Highlights from this week’s brief include: New PPGR articles examining Toronto’s cancelled road toll plan (RIP) and Canada’s infrastructure deficit; A Parliamentary Budget Office report on the federal government’s infrastructure investment plan; A report from the Senate of Canada…

Budgets Speak Louder Than Words: gender equity in the City of Toronto

Emily Wong Special thanks to Adryan Bergstrom-Borins for additional comments on this event. How do we improve gender equity in the City of Toronto? Budgeting might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, that was precisely the focus of “Gender Equity in the City Budget” —Toronto’s first public meeting on how to…

Seen and Heard: Naheed Nenshi on Policy and Politics

Scarlett Jones Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi was introduced at the Rotman School of Management on October 21st as “His Worship the Mayor of Calgary” and “a policy rock star.” The politics-policy duality implied in his introduction, made by the Director Mark Stabile of the University of Toronto’s School of Public Policy and Governance, was a reoccurring…

Growing a Better City: The Value of Toronto’s Trees

In light of Toronto’s upcoming municipal election, the PPGR is dedicating this week to a special series of posts that focus on municipal policy issues. Be sure to check back tomorrow to read up on another topic of municipal interest. Tara Sackett Two leading candidates for mayor in the upcoming Toronto municipal election, Olivia Chow…